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2023-01-10 22:23:53 +01:00
\subsubsection{Install couchbase and pandas with specified
The cell below installs the couchbase python package and pandas.
!pip install couchbase==4.1.1 -q
!pip install pandas==1.5.2 -q
\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{8f41454c-0bf0-4e53-992b-34fb47bf7dd1}{}}%
Import the the classes necessary to run the couchbase connector.
import pandas as pd
from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
from couchbase.auth import PasswordAuthenticator
from couchbase.options import ClusterOptions, QueryOptions
\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{2e5173f8-7c64-40f4-8fbe-e3bf28ad96a3}{}}%
Connect to the cluster select the sample bucket and connect to the
default collection.
cluster = Cluster.connect(
PasswordAuthenticator("Administrator", "some-pw-that-is-better-than-this!")
bucket = cluster.bucket("travel-sample")
# get a reference to the default collection
cb_coll = bucket.default_collection()
\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{3dbc2840-9793-4a92-802b-78d0b333e632}{}}%
Acces a document by key.
# get a document by key
result = cb_coll.get("airline_10")
{'id': 10,
'type': 'airline',
'name': '40-Mile Air',
'iata': 'Q5',
'icao': 'MLA',
'callsign': 'MILE-AIR',
'country': 'United States'}
\leavevmode\vadjust pre{\hypertarget{e818c095-e2d9-40c7-9234-ceddcb27cddb}{}}%
The Querry language contains a If a hyphen is used please use a pair of
` to surround the name using a hyphen.
result = cluster.query(
SELECT airport.*
FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airport airport
df = pd.DataFrame(result)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1968 entries, 0 to 1967
Data columns (total 9 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 airportname 1968 non-null object
1 city 1968 non-null object
2 country 1968 non-null object
3 faa 1709 non-null object
4 geo 1968 non-null object
5 icao 1687 non-null object
6 id 1968 non-null int64
7 type 1968 non-null object
8 tz 1968 non-null object
dtypes: int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 138.5+ KB
result = cluster.query(
SELECT airport.airportname, airport.city, airport.country
FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airport airport INNER JOIN `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark landmark on airport.city = landmark.city
{} & airportname & city & country \\
\textbf{4877} & London Heliport & London & United Kingdom \\
\textbf{4289} & London St Pancras & London & United Kingdom \\
\textbf{3411} & Stansted & London & United Kingdom \\
\textbf{6457} & London - Kings Cross & London & United Kingdom \\
\textbf{8759} & Charles De Gaulle & Paris & France \\
result = cluster.query(
SELECT airport.airportname, airport.city, airport.country, landmark.name
FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airport airport INNER JOIN `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark landmark on airport.city = landmark.city
{} & airportname & city & country & name \\
\textbf{443 } & Edinburgh & Edinburgh & United Kingdom & Murrayfield Ice Rink \\
\textbf{1487} & Luton & London & United Kingdom & The Phoenix \\
\textbf{3620} & Paddington Station & London & United Kingdom & Kensal Green Cemetery \\
\textbf{5629} & London-Corbin Airport-MaGee Field & London & United States & Alexandra Palace \\
\textbf{8588} & Le Bourget & Paris & France & Aux Merveilleux de Fred \\