import sys import os import re list_files = {"Example.ipynb": "Example.tex"} if __name__ == "__main__": for orig_name, tex_name in list_files.items(): print(f"Converting file {orig_name} into {tex_name}.") if not os.path.exists(orig_name): print(f"Original file {os.path.abspath(orig_name)} could not be found!") continue print("Using black next comment out if you don't want to use it") try: os.system(f"black {orig_name}") except: pass os.system(f"pandoc --listings -f ipynb -t latex {orig_name} -o {tex_name}") if not os.path.exists(tex_name): print(f"The file {os.path.abspath(tex_name)} does not exist.") print("The file should now exist") continue with open(tex_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as read_file: content = start_string = "\\hypertarget{start-here}{%\n\\section{Start here}\\label{start-here}}" end_string = "\\hypertarget{end-here}{%\n\\section{End here}\\label{end-here}}" content = content.split(start_string, 2)[1] if start_string in content else content # print(content) content = content.split(end_string)[0] if end_string in content else content print(content) # redefine code blocks as IPython blocks and add the minipage surrounding to force them on a single page. content = re.sub( r"\\begin\{lstlisting}\[language=Python](.+?)\\end\{lstlisting}", "\\\\begin{minipage}{1.0\\\\textwidth}\n" "\\\\begin{lstlisting}[language=iPython]\\g<1>" "\\\\end{lstlisting}\n\\\\end{minipage}", content, flags=re.DOTALL, ) # remove the listings code around a pandas table exported as latex. content = re.sub( r"\\begin\{lstlisting}\n*\\begin\{tabular}", "\\\\begin{tabular}", content, flags=re.DOTALL, ) content = re.sub( r"\\end\{tabular}\n*\\end\{lstlisting}", "\\\\end{tabular}", content, flags=re.DOTALL, ) content = re.sub( r"print\((.+?)\.to_latex\(.*?\)\)\n", "\\g<1>\\n", content, flags=re.DOTALL ) content = re.sub(r"\n(%%capture\n)", "", content, flags=re.DOTALL) content = re.sub(r"\n(plt.savefig\(.*?\))", "", content, flags=re.DOTALL) content = content.strip() # overwrite the original file with open(tex_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as write_file: content = write_file.write(content)